BKPM News!!
October 17, 2014 – The Investment Coordinating Board of the
Republic of Indonesia (BKPM) today announces the third Quarter/Q3 (July
- September) 2014 of investment realization which
was Rp 119.9 trillion. That repeatedly reached
the highest record value was
an increase of the total investment realization at 19.3% compared to the same
period in 2013. Furthermore, the domestic direct investment realization was Rp
41.6 trillion, increased
by 24.2% compared to the same periode in 2013, while the foreign
direct investment realization was Rp
78.3 trillion or grew by 16.9%.
Investment Realization of 2010 – September 2014:
By Quarter

Furthermore, Mahendra
said: “The Government shall encourage the investment climate reform, easy of
doing business and the improvement of investment licensing service quality as
mandated by Presidential Regulation Number 97 Year 2014 concerning the One-Stop
Investment Services (PTSP). In particular, BKPM has set a comprehensive action
plan as a part of 100-day Joko Widodo’s New Government and Five-Year
Comprehensive Reform ahead”.
Investment Realization in Quarter III 2014
The investment realization of Domestic Direct
Investment (DDI) in Q3-2014 was Rp 41.6 trillion, an increase of 24.2% compare
to the same period in 2013 (Rp 33.5 trillion).
investment realization of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Q3-2014 was
Rp 78.3
trillion, an increase
of 16.9% compare
to the same period
in 2013 (Rp 67.0 trillion).
The highlights of the investment realization of
the domestic and foreign direct investment in Q3-2014 were as follows:
Domestic Direct Investment
Domestic Direct Investment
realization based on sector (five leading sectors) were: Electricity,
Gas and Water Supply (Rp 5.6 trillion); Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
(Rp 5.6 trillion); Real Estate, Industrial Estate and Office Building (Rp 5.0
trillion); Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (Rp 4.9 trillion);
and Non Metallic Mineral Industry (Rp 4.7 trillion). If industrial
sectors are combined, it can be seen that industrial sectors contributed Rp
18.7 trillion or 44.9% of total domestic direct investment realization.
Domestic Direct Investment realization based on location
(five leading locations) were: East Java (Rp 11.4 trillion); East Kalimantan (Rp
4.5 trillion); South Sumatera (Rp 3.4 trillion); West Java (Rp 3.3 trillion);
and Lampung (Rp 3.1 trillion).
Foreign Direct Investment Realization
Foreign Direct Investment realization based on sector
(five leading sectors) were: Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication
(US$ 1.2 billion); Mining (US$ 1.0 billion); Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industry (US$ 1.0 billion); Metal, Machinery, and Electronic Industry (US$ 0.7
billion); and Transport Equipment and Other Transport (US$ 0.6 billion). If industrial sectors are combined, it can be seen
that industrial sectors contributed US$ 3.4 billion or 45.3% of total foreign
direct investment realization.
Foreign Direct Investment realization based on location
(five leading locations) were: Special Territory of Jakarta (US$ 1.5 billion); West
Java (US$ 1.4 billion); Central Sulawesi (US$ 1.0 billion); East Java (US$ 0.5
billion); and Banten (US$ 0.4 billion).
Foreign Direct Investment realization based on country
of origin (five leading countries) were: Singapore (US$ 1.5 billion); Netherlands
(US$ 0.9 billion); United Kingdom (US$ 0.8 billion); Japan (US$ 0.5 billion);
and USA (US$ 0.3 billion).
Distribution of Project Location
Distribution of project location in Q3-2014 in
Java Island was Rp 62.2 trillion and outside Java Island was Rp 57.7 trillion.
The portion of outside Java Island was increased by 39.1% compared to the same
period in 2013 (Rp 41.5 trillion).
Labor Absorption
Indonesian labor absorption for investment
project in Q3-2014 was 349,377 people, consisting of 84,550 people from
domestic direct investment and 264,827 people from foreign direct investment.
Cumulative of Investment Realization in January–September
of 2014
realization since January to September of 2014 was Rp 114.4 trillion
(33.4%), an increase of 21.6% compared
to the same period of 2013 (Rp
94.1 trillion).
realization since January to September of 2014
was Rp 228.3 trillion
(66.6%), an increase of 14.6 % compared
to the same period of 2013 (Rp
199.2 trillion).
highlights of the investment realization of the Domestic
and Foreign Direct Investment
from January to September of 2014, as
Domestic Direct Investment Realization
DDI realization based on
sectors (five biggest sectors) were: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (Rp 34.0 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 14.0 trillion); Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (Rp 9.8 trillion); Real
Estate, Industrial Estate, and Office Building (Rp
9.6 trillion); and Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Industry (Rp 9.0 trillion).
If industrial sectors are combined, it can be seen that industrial sectors
contributed Rp 41.8 trillion or 36.5% of total domestic direct investment
the DDI realization based on
locations (five biggest locations) were East Java (Rp 29.7
trillion); West Java (Rp 13.8 trillion); East Kalimantan (Rp 10.9 trillion); Special
Territory of Jakarta (Rp 10.5 trillion); Central Java (Rp 10.2 trillion).
Foreign Direct Investment Realization
realization based on sectors (five
biggest sectors) were:
Mining (US$ 3.8 billion); Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (US$
2.8 billion); Food Industry (US$ 2.5
billion); Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Industry (US$ 2.0 billion); and Food Crops and Plantation (US$
1.6 billion). If industrial sectors are
combined, it can be seen that industrial sectors contributed Rp 10.1 trillion
or 46.5% of total domestic direct investment realization.
FDI realization based on locations (five
biggest locations) were: West Java (US$ 4.7 billion); Special Territory of
Jakarta (US$ 3.6 billion); East Kalimantan (US$ 1.9 billion); Banten (US$ 1.5
billion) and East Java (US$ 1.5 billion).
realization based on country of origin (five biggest countries) were:
(US$ 4.9 billion); Japan (US$ 2.0 billion); Netherlands (US$ 1.5 billion); United Kingdom (US$ 1.4 billion) and Malaysia (US$ 1.0 billion).
Distribution of Project Location
distribution of project location in January until
September 2014 in
Java island was Rp 193.3 trillion (56.4%), and outside Java island was
Rp 149.4 trillion
(43.6%), increased by 19.8% compared to the same period in 2013 (Rp 124.7
The investment realization based on Economic
Corridors in January to September 2014 is as follows:
a. The investment realization of Sumatera Economic Corridor was Rp 51.7 trillion (15.1%) consisting of Rp 21.1 trillion of DDI
and US$ 2.9 billion
of FDI. The leading sectors for the DDI were Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (Rp 8.4 trillion); Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (Rp 4.8
trillion); Paper and Printing Industry (Rp 2.3 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 2.1
trillion); and Food Crops and
Plantation (Rp 1.6 trillion); and for the FDI were Food Industry (US$ 0.6 billion); Paper and Printing Industry (US$ 0.5 billion); Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (US$ 0.5 billion); Mining (US$ 0.5 billion); and Food
Crops and Plantation (US$ 0.3 billion).
b. The investment realization of Java Economic Corridor was Rp 193.3 trillion (56.4%) consisting of Rp 71.3 trillion of DDI and US$ 11.6 billion of FDI. The leading
sectors for the DDI were Real Estate,
Industrial Estate and Office Building (Rp 9.6 trillion); Food Industry
(Rp 9.1 trillion); Transportation, Warehouse and
Telecommunication (Rp 7.8 trillion); Construction (Rp 7.6 trillion); and Non Metallic Mineral Industry (Rp 6.1 trillion); and for the FDI were Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (US$ 2.4 billion); Transport Equipment and Other Transport
Industry (US$ 1.6 billion); Food Industry (US$ 1.4 billion); Metal, Machinery and Electronic Industry (US$ 1.1
billion); and Non Metallic Mineral Industry (US$ 0.7 billion).
c. The investment realization of Kalimantan Economic Corridor was Rp 55.9 trillion (16.3%) consisting of Rp 17.3 trillion of DDI and US$ 3.7 billion of FDI. The leading sectors for the DDI were Food Crops and
Plantation (Rp 6.1 trillion); Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industry (Rp 3.0 trillion); Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
(Rp 2.7 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 2.2
trillion); and Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (US$ 1.9 billion); and for the FDI were Mining (US$ 1.6 billion); Food Crops and Plantation (US$ 1.2 billion); Food Industry (US$ 0.4 billion); Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunication (US$ 0.1 billion).
d. The
investment realization of Sulawesi Economic Corridor was Rp 20.5 trillion (6.0%) consisting of Rp 4.0 trillion DDI and US$ 1.6 billion of FDI. The leading sectors for the DDI were Non Metallic Mineral Industry (Rp 1.8 trillion); Metal, Machinery and Electronic Industry (Rp 1.0 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 0.4 trillion); Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
(Rp 0.3 trillion); and Mining (Rp 0.08 trillion); and for the FDI were Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Industry (US$ 0.8 billion); Metal, Machinery and
Electronic Industry (US$ 0.3 billion); Mining (US$ 0.2
e. The investment realization of Bali and Nusa Tenggara Economic Corridor was Rp 8.5 trillion (2.5%) consisting of Rp
0.2 trillion DDI and US$ 0.8 billion of FDI. The leading sectors for the DDI were Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (Rp 0.1 trillion); Transportation, Warehouse
and Telecommunication (Rp 0.03 trillion); Food Crops and Plantation (Rp 0.02 trillion); Paper and Printing Industry (Rp 0.02 trillion); and Real
Estate, Industrial Estate and Office Building (Rp 0.01
trillion) and for the FDI were
Mining (US$ 0.4 billion); Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (US$ 0.3 billion); Hotel and Restaurant
(US$ 0.06 billion) and Other Services (US$ 0.03 billion).
f. The investment realization
of Maluku and
Papua Economic Corridor was Rp 12.8 trillion
(3.7%) consisting of Rp 0.4 trillion DDI and US$ 1.2 billion of FDI. The leading sectors for the DDI were Food Crops and Plantation (Rp 0.2 billion);
Machinery and Electronic Industry (Rp 0.1 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 0.03
trillion) and for the FDI were Mining (US$ 1.0
billion); Transportation, Warehouse and
Telecommunication (US$ 0.1 billion) and Food Crops and Plantation (US$ 0.08 billion).
M. Azhar Lubis
Deputy Chairman of Investment Monitoring and
Implementation Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
Jend. Gatot Subroto 44, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia Phone: 62-21-5252008 ext.7001
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