We all know, this year the
exchange rate of Rupiah decreased drastically. But this does not need to be
feared by Exports business in Indonesia, following 3 reason of export
Export business used becouse of Lower Risk
What is meant by a small risk of
export is if you want to do this business then you only need a smaller capital
and easier to sales when compared to
other businesses. Other businesses examples include import, franchise and
acquisitions. And while to get of export business license that is easily
processed, either the PT or PMA.
Adding foreign exchange and grow the economy
Foreign exchange are all objects
that can be used for payment transactions with overseas widely accepted and
recognized by the international community. This form, revenue increases
regional income, both in the form of levies and taxes due to the tax revenue,
the budget of development in the region is increasing also. Additionally Export
can cause a lot of economic growth chain (multiplier effect) thereof such as
the transportation industry, housing, clothing, food, markets, education and
others who grows along with the development of an area as an example in
Jakarta, Surabaya, Gresik, and Jogya ,
Likewise, if the production
activities of goods export increase, it will lower the unemployment rate
because they definitely need a lot of employees.
Expansion of Domestic Market and Familiarize
Compete in International Markets
This can be seen from Indonesia,
which has some stuff that cannot be sought in other countries. This has
happened hundreds of years ago, when Indonesia was colonized by the nations of
Europe and Asia.
Currently there are 10 main
Indonesian export commodities, there are:
- Textiles and textile products (TPT),
- Electronic,
- Rubber and rubber products,
- Oil and oil products,
- Forest Products,
- Footwear,
- Automotive,
- Shrimp,
- Cocoa,
- Coffee.
And will possibly appear in this
row of this new community.
That are some of the advantages of
doing export business .For those of you foreigners who want to do business import do not be hasty in
advance, because there are some export business that are not allowed are owned
by foreigners. For more details, contact us for a free first meeting, if agreed
to use our services, the next meeting is free of charge.
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