He added
that, in the management of the list of consumer goods and tariffs involving the
role of the Ministry of Commerce (Kemendag), Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin),
Ministry Coordinator (Kemenko) and the Ministry of Economic
Affairs, the other technical.
"The increase in rates is issued by PMK, but technical
materials including the type of goods and the level of rates that are hammered
out Tim Rates between the Ministries, including the Ministry of Trade, Ministry
of Industry, and Ministry for Economic Affairs and other Ministries," he
explained. Meanwhile, when confirmed about
how severe invasion of imported products,
especially from China
to Indonesia so
that the domestic crushing
industry, Suahasil not give specific
answers. "I think the data
or import statistics
can be delivered Kemendag,"
said Suahasil.
Confirmed separately, Minister of Industry Saleh Husin
said the proposal imposition of import duty food and beverage products aims to protect domestic
industry, improve the utilization rate preferences economic
cooperation in order to determine baseline rates within
the framework of cooperation RCEP.
"For food and beverage products proposed import duty there
rose 154 tariff lines (total agro 194 tariff lines), among others processed cocoa
powder, instant coffee mix until ready to drink coffee, tea, ice cream, processed
meat, fish and other seafood, drinks light, alcoholic drinks, flour and
processed foods from flour, "he said. As is known, the adjustment of import duties of consumer goods contained in
Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) No. 132 / PMK.010 / 2015 on the Classification
System of Goods and Imposition of Import Duty on Imported Goods.
The average increase of import tariffs in this policy amounted to 5 %. The increase in consumption of products subject to import duties, among other things, fish, tea, coffee, underwear, condoms, cosmetics or beauty supplies, alcoholic beverages to motor vehicles with rates ranging from 10 % to 150 %.
Source: Liputan6
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